Wednesday, April 7, 2010

*blows away the dust*

Well, hello. Do you ever start something with the best intentions and then get distracted by things that are shinier and wander off? No? That's only me? Fair enough.

A lot has happened since I started this thing with my good intentions and then wandered off. I've gotten a sort of promotion at work. I've decided to go forward with going back to school for my Masters degree and am taking those steps. I'm learning to play the guitar, which is slow going, but ultimately satisfying. And I've read about twelve books, four of which I can cross off my Filling in the Gaps list! My plan for this year is to read 25 books, which I'm right on track for. I'll post about those as I finish them.

I've also spent part of the last year trying to decide what to do with this space. I've finally settled on making it a space for reading and writing and learning. I've never had a devoted space for those things before, and I think it will help me to get more accomplished if I can keep things organized. So here's to organization.

I'm hoping to make at least a post a week. Wish me luck. And feel free to poke me if I don't.


  1. *poke poke poke*

    What? You SAID to feel free to poke you... PS: I made a separate blog for writing. Because, well, why not?

  2. Excellent Kath, consider it followed. ♥

    And don't poke too hard. I get sore. *rubs ribs*
